Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's still cards...

Per DonnaLeigh (at the exercise was to draw one card to get guidance on answering 5 questions about the year that is passing, and the one that approaches. You are supposed to use the imagery on the card, what strikes your eye first, and use that imagery. I drew the 4 of Swords.
1. What did you learn this year? I saw the window; at first I thought about the light at the end of the tunnel but now I think it's "one door closes and another opens". But I like the light at the end of the tunnel as well.
2. What are you glad to release? I saw the black bird; negativity and fear is what I feel he represents. This has been a tough year, but Chuck and I have thrived and survived, had a little fun, gone through some changes. And it's all been good, eventually.
3. What do I look forward to? I saw the flowers; to me those are the positive things, the gifts, the hours and days I will enjoy for whatever reason. It smells good; it's pretty; it makes me laugh. I promise to enjoy "joy" more next year.
4. What are the lessons of the coming year? I saw the man; he is resting and at first I thought it was to take care of myself but now I'm starting to think it's to appreciate my people more. I promise to let the people I value know that I do.
5. What do I need to do to prepare? I saw the swords; but the swords are points-down so I don't think I'm going to have battles. I think it's to stay sharp, keep striving. Mental energy in stasis.

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